I’m the Default, and I’m OK With That

This is in loving dedication to my wonderfully clueless husband, son (8), and daughter (6).

I'm the Default, and I'm OK With That | Kansas City Moms Blog

When you lightly glanced into your room, and couldn’t find your shoe,

Who did you instantly get in that moment to come and look for you?


When you couldn’t find the condiment that’s been in the same place since we were married.

Who did you instantly call for when you thought it might be lost or buried?


When you couldn’t find the Sophia episode you’ve watched a hundred times before,

Who did you yell for to help you, to make it a hundred more?


When you had to have the pink cape, that you’d been wearing for more than a week,

Who’d you call on to stitch it up and give that tear a tweak?


When you forgot your homework you’d been reminded twice to pack,

Who do you think found it and put it in your backpack?


When your tummy didn’t feel quite right, and your nose was runny, too,

Who did you seek out to feed you soup, hold and take care of you?


When your daughter pulled her pants down, to wiggle her butt at the store,

Who do you think shoved her quickly out that front door?


When you walked out the door to get in the car, oh so happily,

Who do you think had everything packed, all the necessities?


When the baby blew out in public and needed a change of clothes,

Where do you think we got them? Who do you think brought those?


When it was 3 a.m. and the yell came loud, “My bed is soaking wet!”

Who do you think changed out that laundry to make sure the stain didn’t set?


When you come home and find that there is dinner often ready,

Who do you think planned out the meals, so we’d have more than just spaghetti?


When your son grew 3 inches in a month and had no clothes to wear,

Who do you think went to the store and bought him new pants and underwear?


When registrations come around for sports, clubs and school things, too,

Who do you think has planned it all out, so you people have fun stuff to do?


I used to get so angry, about all the things piled on my plate

The clueless looks from all of you made me so IRATE.

Then I realized, that I’m the default for each one of you.

It’s my pleasure to show my love in all the things I do.


I wear it as a badge of honor, being the default to you three.

The Uber driver, sherpa, assistant, chef and maid… I do it happily for free!

I’m the default for my family, making sure they are OK.

And I really wouldn’t have it, any other way.

Marsha Roth
“I’m Marsha, the devoted wife of a Nebraska Husker fan, mother to a sweet laid back 11-year-old boy named Kellen and a 9-year-old spunky know-it-all named Rowen. I am a Kansas City native, proud Northwest Bearcat Alumni, and enthusiastic 4th grade teacher! I enjoy stolen moments where I can read in peace, indulging in chocolate chip cookies whenever possible, tending to my vegetable garden and finding new ways to annoy my daughter! My goal in life is to be my authentic self, follow the motto of ‘She did what she could,’ and share that with other moms!”


  1. This made me smile. I wear my bade as “default” with pride. And I wouldn’t want it any other way! Well done!

  2. I needed this today! Very good insight. I also am a Bearcat Alumni and wife of a Nebraska fan! Small world 🙂

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