Intentional and Mindful Living for the New Year

Let’s talk about how we can be intentional and mindful in the new year.

  • Are you bogged down with everyday life? If yes, then this is for you.
  • Are you going from one thing to the next wondering how all things are going to get done? If yes, then this is for you.
  • Are you stressed and/or overwhelmed? If yes, then this is for you.

Tips for intentional and mindful living

  • Take the time to step back and be present at the moment. Take a moment right now… Deep breath in through your nose… Long breath out through your mouth. Again, deep breath in and a long breath out.
  • Free your mind from clutter. Grab a piece of paper and brain dump. (Write down everything on your mind: grocery list, to dos, events, deadlines—ALL THE THINGS)
  • Be intentional about your day every day and make 2021 the “Year of Intentional Living and Mindfulness.”

30 ways to live more intentionally each day

    1. Make a list of things you want to accomplish for the following day.
    2. Do fifteen minutes of yoga.
    3. Wake up earlier than your normal scheduled time get ready/dressed.
    4. Have lunch with a friend UNPLUGGED (or on Zoom but with no other digital distraction).
    5. Do something you enjoy.
    6. Handwrite a letter and send it in the mail.
    7. Notice the people around you—Are they happy? Sad? Angry? In a hurry?
    8. Drink more water. First thing in the morning, don’t look at your phone, grab a glass of water instead.
    9. Make a new meal.
    10. Read a magazine or newspaper completely front to back.
    11. Take some quiet time to relax and be mindful. Find 10-20 minutes to meditate.
    12. Delete accounts that you no longer use and unsubscribe/unfollow accounts that are not beneficial to your growth.
    13. Go for an unplugged walk outdoors.
    14. Declutter your mind and/or your space
    15. Practice self care. Take a shower with music and relaxing scents.
    16. Buy a plant… and yes it can be fake. (Green is good)
    17. Make an emotion bullet journal.
    18. Prep lunch for the next day
    19. Play a board game. Do a word search. Draw a picture.
    20. Make a vision board.
    21. Have a cup of tea or coffee in silence, unplugged.
    22. Call a friend to talk. Go beyond texting.
    23. Put on some good music and just dance.
    24. Do one thing at a time. No multi-tasking while being mindful. If you are eating, eat. Working, just work. Cooking, Just Cook.
    25. Make breakfast ahead of time.
    26. Unplug one hour before bedtime.
    27. Read a book for 30 minutes before you go to sleep.
    28. Take time to soak in your surroundings. What can you taste, smell, or hear?
    29. While you are seated, roll your shoulders back, sit up tall, and relax. Let go of the tension.
    30. Say NO to things that do not bring you joy.

Screen Time Suggestions

In the past, I would find myself scrolling the internet with no intent. I would get lost on friends’ pages and in different videos and lose hours to my day. Currently, I am on my phone and laptop with a purpose.

I fill my time online with inspiration, knowledge, and planning. I choose to find articles that will help me grow or to help me help others grow. I physically and virtually surround myself with inspirational people and cut out the negative.

I am intentional about my time. I am mindful of my time.

We will be on our phones and laptops. Screen time is unavoidable. Why not take this time to grow and be productive?

  • Use this time to master a skill. There are so many available articles and videos on the web that you can use to learn something new or perfect a skill you have.
  • Read or listen in ways that allow you to be productive. I prefer to listen to videos while I am cleaning or making dinner.
  • Watch who you surround yourself with online. (Did you know that if you have negativity on your feed it’s related to your scrolling and clicking habits?) Look at more positive quotes, articles, etc. Scroll past the negativity and comment on the positive. Follow inspirational people on social media, ones who are actually there to lift people up. I promise, you won’t regret it!
  • Send positivity! Text or message a loved one. There does not need to be an occasion or reason.

Benefits of Mindfulness

Disclaimer: These are all based on my personal experiences. I am not a doctor and cannot guarantee the same for you.

Mindfulness can help decrease stress, enhance mental health, increase self-control, improve focus, and aid in depression.

Physically, you can experience a better quality of sleep, higher energy levels, weight management, and improved general health.

Living intentionally and being mindful of the moment help to slow you down. Many of us are on the go these days (differently than normal, but still busy or consumed in one way or another), not taking a moment to soak in our surroundings and be wholly present. Being able to concentrate and focus is crucial in our new world of crazy.

Here’s to a mindful and intentional 2021!

LaToi-ya Camareno
Hi! I'm LaToi-ya, born and raised in Leavenworth KS. Married since 2008 my husband Tony and I are raising three great kids. Branden 16, Knyla'lee 9, and Alaiyah 5. We spent our first years together in Norfolk VA, where my husband was stationed while serving in the Navy. In 2015 we found our way back home to KC buying our first home in the Northland. I have studied photography earning certificates from New York Institute of Photography while honing that craft. I enjoy watching my children figure out life through all their stages. A few of my hobbies are crafting, gardening, music, drinking good coffee and making food from every culture. When I'm not trying to organize our house of five, you can find me being creative or at the gym working off all the good food I love to eat!